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Mage app

Posted: 12 Jan 2012, 00:23
by santeron
1.) Nick: Santeron (also knows as Santa from former guildies :P)
2.) Class, level, race: Mage, 85, Gnome (of course, what else?)
3.) Your professions? Tailoring and Enchanting both maxed and have most of the patterns (maybe not ones dropped from raids)
4.) Previous characters(class/lvl/realm/...)? This is my main character since I started playing WoW
5.) Raid experiences (60/70/80/85lvl)? 60: None | 70: Kara and some Gruul and ZA | 80: Up to ICC (9/12) | 85: up to FL (4/7 then guild fell apart and I quit playing) Mostly normal mode.
6.) Previous guild(s) and reason why leave? Devotion (core raid group fell apart, left after a while), One Spot (quit game due to mandatory army etc.), The Expendables (core raid group fell apart and because I was leaving for a master I quited game as well).
7.) Your talent build? Fire 7/31/3 (main) & Arcane 36/2/3
8.) Why do you want to join Bloodlines? I am seeking for a casual raiding guild where I can have fun and have some progress. I like this game and I like the social aspects as well.
9.) Can you play from 2000 to +-2400 and minimal 3 raids per week? I am a masters student so I cannot tell you with 100% certainty that I will attend any raid, but I will surely do my best :)
10.) Your internet connection? (lags/DCs?) Low lag (around 60-90ms) and no DCs so far.
11.) Do you know/have Ventrilo program? Don't have it installed right now, but it's a matter of seconds :P
12.) Do you have microphone? Yeap
13.) How old are you? 26... pfff yesterday was my birthday. Sucks... :P
14.) Would you be willing to respec your talents if asked? I'm usually aware of the best specs for my classes but I'm always open for conversation or different spec for a particular fight.
15.) Skill level of your 1st Aid? :O maxed (Am I going to heal?)
16.) Armory link or base summary of your RAID gear: ... ron/simple
17.) A few words about you...: Ahh... I was born in Athens, Greece 26 years ago. Studied electronics and now I'm at the University of York for a masters in Computer Science (you know programming geek stuff etc). I play the guitar and listen to rock (I know, just invite me I'm awesome). About the game, I had stopped playing in August because I was about to study at York and I wanted to be with my friends and family a bit. I started playing this mage at TBC and remains my main ever since. I also have a tankadin in case she's needed, but geared only for some normal FL. I'm very helpful and friendly and I like to have a good time while playing.
18.) Do you have any questions to us? Not so far, but I'm sure I'll come up with something annoying to ask at some point.
19.) Any sponsors in the guild you might have? Nope, I'm all alone...

Re: Mage app

Posted: 12 Jan 2012, 09:17
by Triomega
Hi Santa.

Ty for application.
The officers will have a look and get back to you.

regards Trio

Re: Mage app

Posted: 13 Jan 2012, 10:07
by Triomega
Hi Santa.

Wisper one of the Officers ingame for an invite to Bloodlines.
You will be invited as a Social / Casual member. But still have the chance for a raid spot, if there is room in the raid.

Regards Trio

Re: Mage app

Posted: 13 Jan 2012, 16:32
by santeron
cheers, will do

Re: Mage app

Posted: 13 Jan 2012, 22:55
by oldone
invited for trial