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Mistweaver Monk application

Posted: 04 Nov 2012, 19:14
by Munkn
1.) Main Level 90 Toon Name (Please state class & race):
My main lvl 90 toon is Munkn, a Mistweaver Monk with a Windwalker offspec, it's a Pandaren.

2.) Other Level 90 Alt Toon Names (Please state class & race):
I have a 90 priest called Thrae (on which I did most of my Cataclysm raiding).

3.) With regard to your Alt Toons, please tell us about any raiding you undertake or plan to with other guilds on these characters:
I might raid casually on my priest, depending on how everything turns out with my current guild (Mashed Battalion), this won't interfere with the raiding schedules of Bloodlines.

4.) Your Main Toon professions and level, please explain why you selected these professions for this Toon:
My main professions are Inscription and Jewelcrafting, I picked these professions because I've always wanted to level them both for the money making potential at the start of the new expansion, but also because of the perks.

5.) Do you have previous Main Toons which you may have been 'well known for' but no longer play:
For most of Wrath of the Lich King expansion I played on my warrior called Knifedraw.
I played alot on my priest called Prajst, then later Thrae in Cataclysm.

6.) Please give us a brief summary of your raid experiences and level of progression (60/70/80/85lvl, normal/hc):
In Wrath of the Lich King which was my first expansion I did join a few raiding guild, but we never raided seriously, I did however make it to 11/12 ICC normal.
In Cataclysm I played my priest for the entire expansion, I did not raid seriously for T11 or T12, but in T13 I managed to get to 6/8 HC before the guild and I broke apart (road to ruin was the guild in T13).

7.) Main Toon previous guild(s) and reason why you left/are planning on leaving?
Since monks are new to the game I haven't had the chance to join alot of guilds. I have been in Mashed Battalion for the entire expansion, but I plan on leaving because I seek something more serious and hardcore. I've been sitting around waiting for people to level and gear up for raiding for about 2½ weeks now, and it's getting frustrating. I plan on leaving as soon as I find a serious raiding guild.

8.) Your Main Toon talent build, please include a link to your armory page here:

9.) Why do you want to join Bloodlines?
Because I seek something more serious than just casual raiding. I saw your advertisement in the trade chat and talked to Agns about the posibilities of me joining.

10.) Can you play from 2000 to +-2300 and minimal 3 raids per week?

11.) Your internet connection? (lags/DCs?)
Not unless the weather is really bad or the internet provider screws up, which doesn't happen more than once a few months.

12.) Do you know/have Mumble program?
Yes, been using it for raiding for the past year.

13.) Do you have microphone and are you willing to communicate vocally with the rest of the raid group?

14.) How old are you?
I'm 19.

15.) Would you be willing to respec your talents if asked?
Yes, I normally play a healer, I healed in Cataclysm aswell, but when Road to Ruin asked me to respec to Shadow I happily did that.

16.) Skill level of your 1st Aid & cooking?
Since I haven't been 90 on my monk for more than a few weeks I haven't taken my time to level these professions alot, cooking is 288. First aid is 1. I am planning on leveling these professions in the near future.

17.) A few words about you...
My name is Jacob, Im 19 years old and from Denmark. I'm currently in my 3rd year of college, studying Math/chemistry and physics. I currently don't have a 'spare time job', so my spare time usually consists of me hanging out with friends or playing PC games.

18.) Do you have any questions for us?
I wasn't able to find any "guild rules" as such on the Forum, I did find guidelines, but if there's anything special for this guild in particular I would love to know.

19.) Any sponsors in the guild you might have?
I've had a few words with Agns, but I wouldn't consider him/her my sponsor.

Re: Mistweaver Monk application

Posted: 04 Nov 2012, 22:29
by Agns
Hi there,

Many thanks for your application.

The Officers have reviewed your toon and we are pleased to offer you a 'Trial Raider' spot in Bloodlines.

There are a few issues that you will need to resolve, the main one being your gear level. We appreciate that if you are not actively raiding it is difficult to advance your character however, it will be essential that you max VP each week to enable you to get the appropriate rewards. We will also require that you work hard to gain exalted rep with the various factions that offer good ilvl 489 rewards such as The Klaxxi for a ring, Golden Lotus for a neck etc.

Initially, for your level of gear you will be asked to swap in for certain bosses in MV normal where we believe that you will be capable of healing the encounter, for others, until your gear is of a sufficient level, you will have to sit out. The position you have applied for is a permanent spot for raiding with us but of course, it is pointless putting you in front of a boss that you are unable to heal through.

The guild will help you as best it can in respect of crafting certain items for you so we would anticipate being able to raid you full time within a matter of weeks.

Please /w an officer in-game for an invite assuming you still want to come on board - you can ask me; Agns (I'm a he btw), Palazo (Our RL and main tank), Lairosiel (RL & Healer) or Borodude - rogue (well, someone has to be I guess !)

We will explain all the guild rules and protocol once you join.

