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Level 90 Hunter Application

Posted: 21 Dec 2012, 20:18
by Luthar
1.) Main Level 90 Toon Name (Please state class & race):
Luthar Level 90 Night elf Hunter.
2.) Other Level 90 Alt Toon Names (Please state class & race):
No Level 90s yet. A level 87 warrior tank on the way.
3.) With regard to your Alt Toons, please tell us about any raiding you undertake or plan to with other guilds on these characters:
I’ve raided with my warrior in the past. To be precise during Cataclysm ( BWD, Four winds, Bastion of twilight.)
4.) Your Main Toon professions and level, please explain why you selected these professions for this Toon:
Jewelcrafting And skinning.
Jewelcrafting because of the fact its proving to be a good money maker and I enjoy the perk bonus the profession provides.
Ive had skinning because I was a leatherworker before Jewelcrafting. Planning to change to Enchanting however, very soon.
5.) Do you have previous Main Toons which you may have been 'well known for' but no longer play:
Yep, Played a warrior named ‘Meralai’ all throughout TBC and rerolled to my hunter end of the expansion. People who will know me by this name were in guilds like ‘Rage’ ‘Diamonds’ and very very early ‘Live to Tell’ days.
6.) Please give us a brief summary of your raid experiences and level of progression (60/70/80/85lvl, normal/hc):
Iv raided mainly with 3 different characters throught World of warcraft Paladin , Warrior and Hunter.
Dating back to Vanilla wow my raiding was afew full clears in MC, weekly Onixia and 3 bosses in BWL (all on holy paladin). Moving onto TBC, where I rerolled to warrior (dps), I cleared all content up and until Brutallus in Sunwell. When Wotlk hit, I finally rerolled to my hunter (which I enjoy the most). With my hunter I have cleared pretty much all content from the beginning of wotlk and all the way into dragon soul (cata). Raids including hardmodes, heroics achiv runs, you name it, My hunter has probably done it!

7.) Main Toon previous guild(s) and reason why you left/are planning on leaving?
Before I start about guilds, note that I am a person who does not move around a lot (guildwise). I enjoy finding a guild, being social and progressing. I will only leave a guild when for my understanding there is no other option left.
Being a player that has raided all the way back into Vanilla ill only state guild names and analyze ones that were worth analyzing (All guilds mentioned, I have raided with).
Guild of Shadows, Eternal Justice, Rage, Caution, Diamonds, Dissidence (hellfire realm) Live to tell, Betrayal.
I was in Rage during Karazahn, SSC and TK raids. Enjoyed this guild to bits! We progressed well but an internal issue led to the guilds downfall and disbands.
Live to Tell was the guild I probably spent the most time in, a total of 2.5 years nearing 3. I had to leave because I was called to serve the army and would be gone for about a year.
Finally Betrayal, I joined Betrayal about a year and a half ago, I must say I raided well with this guild in the begging and enjoyed it quit abit. However, I feel it’s time to move on because the guild has taken a very steep slope the last few months.
8.) Your Main Toon talent build, please include a link to your armory page here:
I choose whatever spec is highest on dps at the time ... har/simple
9.) Why do you want to join Bloodlines?
I am looking for a dedicated guild with player that I have noticed want to progress and see all of the game. I am sure I can bring a strong dps character in the guild and a social and very easy learning player in the ranks of the guild. Furthermore, I am open to critics and believe that even the best of players have room for improvement.
10.) Can you play from 2000 to +-2300 and minimal 3 raids per week?
11.) Your internet connection? (lags/DCs?)
12.) Do you know/have Mumble program?
Yes, I’ve used it in the past with another guild
13.) Do you have microphone and are you willing to communicate vocally with the rest of the raid group?
14.) How old are you?
15.) Would you be willing to respec your talents if asked?
Anything that will help the guild progress and kill bosses.
16.) Skill level of your 1st Aid & cooking?
17.) A few words about you...
I am 22 years old, I live in Athens Greece and Study at the Economic university of Athens. I have 2 years left and As I mentioned finished my army dutty.
I addition my hobbies are cars and movies. Plus I live alone.
18.) Do you have any questions for us?
I understand that as a 10 man guilds spots might be tight but I am willing to join with even 1-2 raids a week to start with and see how you like me (prove myself).
If I have not covered something please get me in game or I can jump on mumble for a more personal interview and ask me anything you need to help your decision making process!
19.) Any sponsors in the guild you might have?
Nope, Im on my own.

Re: Level 90 Hunter Application

Posted: 21 Dec 2012, 21:18
by oldone
Are you 22 or 23 years?

Anyway thank you for your interest, our officers will come back to you as soon as possible.


Re: Level 90 Hunter Application

Posted: 21 Dec 2012, 21:44
by Luthar
Tipo sorry, Im 22.

Re: Level 90 Hunter Application

Posted: 21 Dec 2012, 22:56
by Agns
Thanks for your application and your interest in Bloodlines.

So, your toon is there or there-abouts - a few changes maybe with reforges to put your expetise up slightly to hit the cap but this will be at the expense of hit slightly. Change your glove enchant, maybe one regem and you will be about there I guess.

For raiding, you need to strongly consider :

1) Race change to Panda for the double food stat buff - can't ignore an extra +275 agi and the racial gains from Nelf's are the most useless for hunters.
2) Profs should be leatherworking or Engineering (the first for sustainable dps increase, the second for 'on-use' increase) and enchanting for the agi buff on rings. For me, I would suggest LW as I think the sustained dps increase is better overall than the burst given by ENG.
3) Change to BM - SV is not far behind and probably better for AOE on trash but you can expect to see a few % overall dmg increase with BM

Biggest problem we have would be getting you any regular raid spots. As you will see from the application template, hunter class is closed. We run only one 10 man team and it already has a regular hunter (Me!). As I am sure you can appreciate, the best team formation comes from picking classes that give a broad selection of raid buffs so, other than our two DK tanks, we tend to run with one of each class in each role. Therefore having 2 of the same DPS class is a non-starter. Best we could offer would be a social spot and you would be more than welcome to sign for raids but being realistic, we already have a dps we are bringing along (shammy) so if I am being totally honest, I would not rate your chances of getting that many raids.

Sorry if this sounds a bit harsh but I think it is better to be honest and up-front with you so that you do not have unrealistic expectations.



Re: Level 90 Hunter Application

Posted: 22 Dec 2012, 12:29
by Luthar
Thank you for the heads up.

To be absolutly honest im not looking for a casual spot but something abit more active.

If that can t be done then its ok, but keep me informed. cheeers!